Saturday, July 13, 2013

DXC Summer Update - Week 6

Darts - 
It's hard to believe that we are half way through our summer training. 6 weeks down, 6 weeks to go. For the most part, I am very pleased with what our TEAM has accomplished in the first half of the summer. The boys are on record-setting pace, we have 56 boys who reported their mileage every week for the first 5 weeks, and we have 32 boys who are still in range of getting to 500 miles for the summer (our record is 22 boys). After 5 weeks, the girls are only 150 miles behind last year's record setting pace, and 24 girls are in range of 400 miles (our record was 21 last year). 
Each of you should do a quick self-evaluation for the summer so far. Did you run as many days as you could have? Is your heart in it? Are you training with purpose and with focus on what you can become as a runner? Were there days you missed because you were lazy? What can you do better over the next 6 weeks? If you are not motivated - get yourselves motivated!! If you haven't already, I challenge you to set a goal for the next 6 weeks. Look at where you are after the first half of summer training, and set a goal based on what you think you can do in the 2nd half. After I update week 6 mileage, I will send out a copy in case you aren't sure what your total is so far. If you are in the 220-250 range, you should be going for 500 miles. If you are in the 170-200 range, you should be going for 400 total miles. If you are in the 130-150 range, you should be going for 300 miles. By the end of the summer, we are going to have an army of fit, mentally tough runners who are ready to kill it on the cross country courses. I am excited about where we are at this point, and I know if we continue to progress as a TEAM, that we have a successful season in front of us. 

Be disciplined. Summer training is not the easiest thing to do. You have to make up your mind that you are going to conquer your weaknesses and your doubts. It takes a lot of discipline and sacrifice. Commit to getting your running in every day. Be disciplined with your eating and sleeping habits (realize that taking care of your body is essential to running well, and realize that your body needs good calories to continue to push itself). Commit to doing your abs/core work at least 4 times per week. Be disciplined with stretching before and especially after you run. I promise if you put in the work during the summer, you will be satisfied with what you have accomplished and you will be prepared for a great season. No matter how fast you are, running can challenge you and make you a better person and bring you satisfaction from accomplishing something great. But it takes a lot of self-discipline. Don't be a typical teenager who stays up until 2:00am all summer long, and sleeps in until noon only to get up and play video games and put junk into their bodies whenever it is in front of them. 

Assignment - I would like each of you to tell me something in your training logs (this week or next) about your own running that makes you proud - some type of accomplishment or personal victory that you have had in the first 6 weeks of the summer. I hope you realize that we are working together - that we are hurting together - and sacrificing together in order to be a stronger TEAM. I know that I don't "count" as far as my own fitness and my own racing goes (I don't get to race with you) - but it still motivates me to know that I have a TEAM that is working along with me - that I am not the only one who is invested in this and sacrificing and pushing myself to become better. 

Cross Country Camp: All papers and money are due on Monday (July 15). You should turn in your camp waiver, your physical form (A or B), and $130. Let me know if you didn't get the email with the forms, and I will send it to you. If this is your first sport at Davis and you haven't had your physical yet, just bring the waiver and money and then turn in the physical when you get it done. Email me with any other questions regarding the cross country camp. 
Coming Up:
Monday - 7am at the Vita Course. We will be going for PRs for the full course. Prepare by hydrating and eating well on Sunday. 
Thursday - 7am at the school. We will meet at the school and drive over to the Lagoon trails for mile repeats. 
Friday - 8:30pm - If any of you or your parents are interested, we are volunteering at the Legacy Midnight Run. We need to have 25-30 volunteers meet at the Farmington Fairgrounds at 8:30pm to help with the aid stations and the finish line of the course. It will earn our program $1000. Each volunteer receives a free t-shirt - and it can be fun. You won't be home until about 12:30am. If you can volunteer - please let me know. Thanks.

Great job on the tempo run this past week. I wish more of you had been there. It was the best tempo run our girls have EVER had.
Keep up the great work. Have fun with your running. Challenge yourselves to be your best. 
Coach Talley

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