Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer Update - Week 7

Darts -
The email this week is pretty simple. Great job at the vita course this morning. I could tell that most of you ran hard and gave good efforts like we had asked you to. A big part of being a good runner is having self-discipline and self-motivation. I don't think too many of your parents are forcing you to get out of bed early in the morning for TEAM runs or for running on your own--it is mostly up to you to get yourselves going and to make sure that you run when you need to run. It takes personal commitment and discipline. So many of you are doing an outstanding job this summer of working hard and being committed to improving. I have really enjoyed your reading your training logs and watching you push yourselves at practice, and I am giving the TEAM one huge GREAT JOB! The work is going to pay off this season. Keep running hard and having fun and don't get too discouraged if you have set backs (which you will). Stay positive and never give up.

Thank you very much to all of those who helped with the Legacy Midnight Run - including 4-5 parents. Some of the volunteers were there til after 1:30am on Saturday. I appreciate you giving the time and helping the TEAM out.

I have attached the new training schedule. This will take us through the final 5 weeks of the summer (how sad is that?). The key here is that you start running faster and faster - keep recovery days in your schedule, but work hard on the hard days. This is where we start to get back into cross country racing shape. Let me know if you have any questions.

I have also attached a Deseret News 10k registration form. If you would like to do the 10k, please get the form filled out and bring it to me at Thursday's practice with $20. If you can't get it to me on Thursday, send me an email or a text, and we will figure something out. We will be entering the high school TEAM divisions for both the boys and the girls. The race begins at 6:00am up near the University of Utah. On Thursday after practice, we will have a quick meeting and make some plans about how we will get down to the race.

Thursday, July 21 - Meet at Layton Park at 7:00am - we will be doing a tempo run. I am giving a special invite to any of you who have not made it to a practice yet (or haven't been in a while). This would be a good one to start with. I will bring popsicles.

Saturday, August 20th - Dart Challenge 5k. All of you should be planning on racing the 5k and try to get family and friends to come as well (it is a fundraiser for the TEAM).

Let me know if there is anything I can do for you. Send in your week 7 mileage if you haven't already.
Coach Talley

"Distance runners are experts at pain, discomfort, and fear. You're not coming away feeling good. It's a matter of how much pain you can deal with on those days. it's not a strategy. It's just a callusing of the mind and body to deal with discomfort... That's the nature of their game. Taking pain." - Running with the Buffaloes (Taken from Dan Wybrow's facebook page)

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